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The International Nothing

Premiere der Filmdokumentation »In Trout We Dust« & Konzert

Michael Thieke Ι Kai Fagaschinski, Klarinetten Ι dieb13, Film


»In Trout We Dust« – Dieter Kovacic 2019, 34 min.

In Trout We Dust“ erforscht die Welt des berliner Klarienttenduos „The
International Nothing“ rund um die Entstehung und Veröffentlichung des
Albums „In Doubt We Trust“.
Die Dokumentation stellt die Frage wie und warum Kai Fagaschinski und
Michael Thieke seit bald 20 Jahren an ihrem markanten Sound tüfteln,
gibt der Musik den Raum und die Zeit die sie braucht um sich Gehör zu
verschaffen und beleuchtet das ästhetische und soziale Umfeld des Duos.
In weiteren Rollen sind französische Straßen, berliner Dächer und
eidgenössische Kochtöpfe zu sehen.

The International Nothing
Kai Fagaschinski Ι clarinet & composition
Michael Thieke Ι clarinet & composition

T.I.N. plays In Doubt We Trust (2018 Ι 40 min Ι Österreich Premiere)

The International Nothing is a Berlin-based psycho-acoustic clarinet duo
formed by Michael Thieke and Kai Fagaschinski in 2000. They collectively
compose multilayered sound sculptures using multiphonics, beat
frequencies and difference tones as an integral part of their language.
Both musicians are well known as improvisers but in this project they
develop and perform exclusively their own compositions.
Every four years the duo releases an album on the Japanese Ftarri Label.
In 2018 they are presenting their fourth duo album In Doubt We Trust.
While each of the previous releases consisted of several shorter pieces
the duo is now going epic for the first time. The new album is made of a
single work of 37 plus minutes. 2 1⁄2 years of deep sonic research in
seclusion not only yielded a formal change, but also revealed new and
yet unheard acoustic scenarios in slow pace and of fragile beauty.

The duo played concerts all over Europe, in North and South America and
East Asia, including Donaueschinger Musiktage (2007), Konfrontationen
(Nickelsdorf 2008), Experimental Intermedia (New York 2009), Maerzmusik
(Berlin 2009), Serrales em Festo (Porto 2010), Internationale
Ferienkurse für Neue Musik (Darmstadt 2012), Météo Festival (Mulhouse
2012), Festival International de Musique Actuelle De Victoriaville
(2015), Music Unlimited (Wels 2015), Ftarri Festival (Tokyo 2015),
Borderline Festival (Athens 2017), and Novas Frequencias (Rio de Janeiro 2018).

– Mainstream (Ftarri 2006)
– Less Action, Less Excitement, Less Everything (Ftarri 2010)
– The Dark Side Of Success (Ftarri 2014)
– The Power Of Negative Thinking (Monotype 2016) as The International
   Nothing (… and something)
– In Doubt We Trust (Ftarri 2018



Point of Departure
The two are masters at playing their instruments off of each other,
mining the beatings and quavering, tightly voiced microtonalities. It is
also intriguing to hear how the two have absorbed and co-opted the
sounds and timbres of analog circuits and glitched electronics into
their vocabulary. Burred, breathy reed tones transform into the even
oscillations of a sine tone and then back again. There is a section 30
minutes in where clicks, key-pop clatter, clipped notes and interrupted
phrasing bring to mind the sound of a failing hard drive. As strong as
their previous releases have been, „In Doubt We Trust” is a masterful
development in the contemplative, collective creativity of the duo.
By Michael Rosenstein (USA, 06/2018)

Haunting minimalism is a specialty of Berlin-based psycho-acoustic
clarinet duo the International Nothing. But on In Doubt We Trust,
Michael Thieke and Kai Fagaschinski expand and deepen their
expressiveness in this 38-minute single-movement extended piece. [...]
their combined sounds are sonic equivalent of Mr. Spock's Vulcan Mind
Meld. The breath of one begins the muted microtonal oscillations of the
other. A held, darkened tone flowers into its multi-phonic correlative,
which pulses and cedes, flowing into a series of variations, each an
unexpected and unique mirror image of its origin. Beat frequencies throb
and glow with an eerie life force. Two pitches produce a third „ghost“
difference tone that leaves the listener questioning where it's coming
from: an auditory „hallucination.“
by Glen Hall (Canada, 03/2018)

Chicago Reader
The duo of German clarinetists Kai Fagaschinksi and Michael Thieke
create all manner of psychoacoustic effects with acoustic instruments,
building a seamless 37-minute piece from long tones, tongue pops,
spittle flecks, unpitched breaths, and other extended techniques. They
drone, pulse, wiggle, and swarm, pulling apart and coming together,
sometimes suggesting electronic feedback, and generally producing an
experience so immersive I'm bummed when it ends.
by Peter Margasak (USA, 06/2018)

Es handelt sich hier um eine ungemein betörende Arbeit von The
International Nothing. In akribischer Arbeit wird hier mit Multiphonics,
genauen Ton/Schwingungsverhältnissen und kreisendendem Atmen und
bewusstem Atemholen gearbeitet. Durch diese Intrumentierung und ihre
Positionen zueinander entsteht ein Sog, der starke bildhafte Räume im
Innen öffnet. Ein „Sirenengesang“, der es vermag, einen homogen und
bewegt in seinen Bann zu ziehen. Kein Wunder, dass sie sich als
psychoakustisches Klarinettenduo bezeichnen. Dieses Tun schärft wiederum
die Bereitschaft weiterzuhören. Eine tiefe Stille breitet sich trotz der
Töne aus. Ergreifend ab der ersten Minute! Es schneit! Geht und hört!
Geht und kauft!
by Hirscha (Austria, 03/2018)

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echo AT echoraum.at
